Working Together to Protect Life!
Berrien County Right to Life, an affiliate of Right to Life of Michigan, is a nonpartisan, nonsectarian, nonprofit organization of diverse and caring people united to protect the precious gift of human life from fertilization to natural death. We strive to educate people on Right to Life issues, to motivate them to action, encourage community support, and the participation in programs and legislation that foster respect and protection for human life. We also promote and support pro-life candidates. We work on the behalf of defenseless and vulnerable human beings, born and unborn, within our identified life issues of abortion, infanticide, euthanasia and assisted suicide. Our meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7 pm at The Shore Church, 623 Church Street, St. Joseph, MI. Like us on Facebook ! Follow us on Instagram ! |
Surrendering the Secret Abortion Recovery Class: Watch this video. Berrien County Sanctity of Human Life Events: SoHL Sunday, January 19, 2025 Check out for faith-based resources for your church. 1916 Project - Monday, January 20, 2025 Attend the screening at Michiana Christian Assembly in Niles at 7 pm. LEARN THE TRUTH. The 1916 Project is a documentary that exposes the hidden history of the secular moral revolution, and the architects of our current culture of death. Check out the trailer HERE. Walk for Life - Saturday, January 25, 2025 at 11 am at Immanuel Lutheran Church, Bridgman. This event includes a program, walk, prayer, and lunch. Annual Focus On Life Fundraiser Dinner - May 20, 2025 at First Church, St. Joseph. Watch your email for details. Abolitionist Rising: Some have questioned if BCRTL is a part of this group--we are not. |
Fast Facts About Abortion in Michigan
1. A woman in Michigan can have an abortion for any reason at any point in her pregnancy. 2. The number of abortions in our state is at a 29-year high and serious complications are up 38% from last year (2023). 3. Doctors are no longer required to give women considering an abortion basic medical facts about the procedure, not even the common risks and potential complications. 4. Non-physicians can now perform abortions. 5. Partial-birth abortions are now legal in Michigan. 6. Abortion facilities are no longer required to report abortion statistics. Clinics can operate without transparency or accountability. If we aren't careful, the next step is that our tax dollars will pay for abortions, and abortions will be made accessible to minors without parental consent. Therefore, please vote YES for pro-life candidates who will vote NO. |
Become a Member
Become an advocate for life by becoming a member of Berrien County Right to Life Michigan. Download and print the pdf form.
Fill it out and mail it with payment to the address listed on the form. Thank you for supporting Berrien County Right to Life! Meeting Location
Our meetings are held at The Shore Church, 623 Church Street, St. Joseph, MI 49085. |